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OH, back to your oldeNegro-pagan Deleting WAYS> 1.....Why did you delete this? 2.....THEN TAKE OUT the jesusSTUFF 3.....You a Marine, you know the drill ..Internet is Forever.....'knowledgeable "COLORED blackKiwi paganPharoah she/he/it" ************** STOP LYING TO THE PEOPLE !! SUBJECT ---ANSWER it YOURSELF------ QUESTION ;Where is Jesus ??,,,,,show me a pic of jesus now ! #DHWTY ****************************************************************** paganChristian racialistic racist euroPEONS know a 'jesus' or latin/Latino "jesus" BUT African Asian Believers of the Creator of Adaam(as) do not know WHAT you paganChristians MEAN by ------ 'jesus' or latin/Latino "jesus".......STOP LYIN! AND ask these questions.....'knowledgeableGuy' ************************************************************** 1. what is jesus? 2. what is latinLatino/Jesus for ? 3. is latinLatino/'jesus' for African Asian Monotheistic Belief or euroRACIST NONSENSE? ************************************************************************************* This is BIA, an African American Family site SHATTERING oldeStereotypical Misconceptions.... STOP it and learn something, sometime from African Asian History, Scholarship and Science Monday, April 9th 2018 at 6:24PM robert powell | delete ************* ps You were run out of BIA, because of your immaturity and RACIST nonsense before and BIA Preamble IS STILL to shatter stereotypical Misconceptions of the past....
Sunday, April 22nd 2018 at 7:41PM
robert powell
You do have a clue about Nile Valley research specialist/scholar''Dhwty report, do you Professor "SMOKEY?"
Monday, April 23rd 2018 at 9:55AM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.
STOP LYING TO THE PEOPLE !! SUBJECT ---ANSWER it YOURSELF------ QUESTION ;Where is Jesus ??,,,,,show me a pic of jesus now ! #DHWTY ****************************************************************** paganChristian racialistic racist euroPEONS know a 'jesus' or latin/Latino "jesus" ****************************************************************** ".....You do have a clue about Nile Valley research specialist/scholar''Dhwty report, do you Professor "SMOKEY?" ....." Monday, April 23rd 2018 at 9:55AM Deacon Ron Gray ****************************************************************** I, Robert Powell,..... have lived in the Nile Valley for about 40 Years...... I, Robert Powell,..... have studied and learned many things in the Nile Valley for about 40+ Years...... BUT..... ---- are you 'blackHebrewIsrailite' AUTHOR of this BIA, Blag'? ---- are you 'blackHebrewIsrailite' a Nile Valley research specialist/scholar'?
Saturday, May 12th 2018 at 9:08AM
robert powell
are you 'blackHebrewIsrailite' AUTHOR of this BIA, Blag'? NO "SMOKEY"! are you 'blackHebrewIsrailite' a Nile Valley research specialist/scholar'? NO "SMOKEY"! Did you read this article "SMOKEY," THE EMPIRE'S AGE AND SCOPE? And your answer is?
Saturday, May 12th 2018 at 9:57AM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.
"....... "SMOKEY," THE EMPIRE'S AGE AND SCOPE? And your answer is? ....." Saturday, May 12th 2018 at 9:57AM Deacon Ron Gray **************************************************************** Is 'blackHebrewIsraelite' writing to: ? 1. Robert Powell....I have NEVER, EVER called self "smokey" 2. dj ExblogKing....I thought he was 'blackYou' and he would like the negroidCoon "smokey" Name No....before 'blackHebrewIsraelite' was Paster of 'COLORED whiteOpinions'....DJ she/he/it...was .....No....I didn't read or view CARTOONIC Racist Subjects then or 2018
Saturday, May 12th 2018 at 2:21PM
robert powell
I am not talking about no CARTOONIC Racist Subjects then or 2018 I am talking about this material on this blog, Did you see this material?
Saturday, May 12th 2018 at 3:16PM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.
STOP LYING TO THE PEOPLE !! SUBJECT ---encyclopedia of 'black studies'.........? ..you can start with yourCOLORED 'black' self......! ********************************************************* DJ whisperer....or puppet...deacon of 'blackHebrewIsraelites'....answers and writes....... ************************************************************************** ".....Did you see this material? ...." Saturday, May 12th 2018 at 3:16PM Deacon Ron Gray ************************************************* encyclopedia of 'black studies'.........? BY Molefi Kete Asante is an African-American professor. He is a leading figure in the fields of African-American studies, African studies and communication studies. He is currently professor in the Department of Africology at Temple University, where he founded the PhD program in African-American Studies. He is president of the Molefi Kete Asante Institute for Afrocentric Studies. AND Ama Mazama (aka Marie-Josée Cérol) is Associate Professor and Director of the Graduate Programs of the Department of Africa American Studies at Temple University. She received her PhD with highest distinction from La Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris III. She established a reputation as the principal exponent of the African origin of the Guadeloupian language. In books, Langue et Identité en Guadeloupe: Une Perspective Afrocentrique and Une Introduction au Créole Guadeloupéen. ****************************************************************** Again......for the 3,089,249,359,789th TIME...... 1. ..... There is Africa Asia and the Scholarship, History and Science of Africa Asia AND 2. ..... There is the negro..COLORED 'black' by euroRACIST IGNORANCE..... African Asian History, Scholarship and Science are GREAT in African Asian Language 4000+ year STUDY ....BUT 'COLORED black' is a PRODUCT of RACISM by COLORED 'white euroPEONS' after slaverAmericana 1492-1864 'COLORED black' is a PRODUCT of RACISM by COLORED 'white euroPEON' rape/torture and Miseducation 'COLORED black' is a PRODUCT of RACISM by COLORED 'white euroPEON' pagan Religious euroFREEDUMB... ..........YES, I ROBERT POWELL, believe that racistIgnorance was/IS ...CARTOONIC ignorance
Sunday, May 13th 2018 at 3:00PM
robert powell
You have not read this material and you still are talking out the side of your neck. I asked you one simple question, Did you read this article "SMOKEY," THE EMPIRE'S AGE AND SCOPE? YOUR ANSWER WAS: No....I didn't read or view CARTOONIC Racist Subjects then or 2018 You said, "I didn't read." Then why are you here? "SMOKEY?" I know, to continue to LIE TO THE PEOPLE.
Monday, May 14th 2018 at 7:48AM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.
Are you the scribeAssistant mentalGenius to Author of "...STOP LYING TO THE PEOPLE !!..." .... DAVID JOHNSON....BIA's own exBlog King?
Monday, May 14th 2018 at 8:03AM
robert powell
ANSWER NOW AND WHY ??,,,,,,,,,,,,,LEARN !! |
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