HBCUConnect.com, my day job, is a major online web portal, and as such we are constantly in the stream of trends in web-marketing. Fortunately I get to share what I've learned through mostly trial and error, in a real business environment - with you! Hopefully I will be able to share information and resources I've used, to help you grow your business and advance your career in Art.
Mitchell Harper of BigCommerce recently penned a piece on "Mashable" detailing how companies can use YouTube to boost their brand SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Believe it or not, the first step is...Consider creating a YouTube channel. Harper offers: "Every video you post to your channel can be tagged and indexed, increasing the odds your brand name will appear in natural searches for keywords associated with yourArt business."
Follow these remaining steps to Art Superstardom:
Choose a clear, concise approach: Is your video instructional? Is it Biographical? Art News-related? Do you want viewers to "take action" after they see it?
Record a Video. List the top 3-5 points you want to make before turning on the camera. Marketing research suggests that the shorter the video the better, with an ideal length or around 2 minutes. The closer you can remain to the 2 minute range the better. At the end of the video, be sure to add links where your viewers can learn more about you, your art, gallery, event, or idea.
Optimize for VSEO (Video Search Engine Optimization). After uploading your stellar production to YouTube, enter a title, description and tags. Use the title phrase twice—at the start and at the end—to maximize its SEO impact. The front of the description should link to your site, followed by a paragraph that incorporates your key phrase in a natural and well-crafted way. Finally, add supporting words (Keywords: commonly used words used in online searches to help people find specific content, i.e. Art, Black Art, Painting, Graphic Designer, Art News, Art Video, Sketching, etc...) to your tags that will make the video easier to find, and be sure to repeat your key phrase.
Grow your audience. Sites like Facebook and Twitter are convenient for sharing YouTube content, but there are others. Be sure to post your video to BlackArtConnect.com where there is an already receptive audience to African American Art and Art Content. One "trick" is to post your content as a "video reply" to a related video, which gives YouTube context and creates a stream of viewers. Linkbacks to your video improve its relevance on searches. Once you hit 100+ views, Google typically starts showing it in search results for your key phrase.
Ready to Go! It's time to take action and get your shine on! Artists today must be willing to enact a strategic approach to snagging their 15 minutes of fame by making a splash on YouTube. Following these steps consistently can have dramatic results almost immediately. Now get creative!
Posted By: Daniel Moss
Friday, February 4th 2011 at 5:52PM
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