Friday, February 4, 2011
NEW BRUNSWICK — In recognition of Black History Month, The New Street Gallery located at NJ Blood Services (NJBS) donor room is exhibiting the works of three African American artists. The community is invited to view the exhibit and donate blood during a time when the blood supply is critically low due to the recent snowstorms.
Currently, African Americans contribute less than 5% of the blood collected in New Jersey despite a population of over 14% throughout the state. Because of the higher prevalence of type O blood in the African American population, NJBS is asking all compatible donors, to take time to give blood and view the exhibit during Black History Month.Artist Mel Holston is showing pen and ink drawings of African Life and wild life. He said he uses designs reminiscent of the scarifications of tribal Africa. Rutgers graduate Lynn Presley entitles her exhibit a “Sacred Journey” and encourages viewers to contemplate their own spiritual path through her work. Indira Bailey refers to her work as “realism” in the African American community.
The exhibit will be running through March 3 at the New Street Gallery at NJ Blood Services at 167 New Street in New Brunswick. The public is invited to celebrate Black History Month at an artists’ reception with refreshments on Feb. 23 from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. The donor room will be open for blood donations and all guests are encouraged to donate.
Qualified donors should be 16 years of age with parental consent, weigh 110 pounds, be in generally good health and present photo or signed ID. Donors over 75 years of age can also donate with a note from their physician. Persons with questions of eligibility should call toll free 1-800-933-2566, or visit
www.nybloodcenter.org Read more:
http://njtoday.net/2011/02/04/gallery-host... Tell everyone to get New Jersey News from WWW.NJTODAY.NET
Posted By: Daniel Moss
Friday, February 4th 2011 at 1:16PM
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